UK water-energy nexus under climate change - Cambridge University
25 August 2017

A new report, co-authored by wholeSEM consortium members Dr Dennis Konadu, Professor Richard Fenner, Professor Keith Richards and Professor Julian Allwood discusses key issues and potential future challenges associated with water and energy system interdependencies in the UK, and highlights opportunities for a low-carbon future, and priorities for research and modelling. The UK’s energy policy, which is underpinned by the Climate Change Act (2008), seeks to provide a balance between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction, costs and security of supply. However, energy and water systems are intricately interdependent. Thus, meeting the emissions reduction target, and ensuring security of supply of energy and water would depend, among other factors, on the availability of water resources, which are directly influenced by factors such as population, climate and economic growth.
Download a copy of the report here: UK water-energy nexus under climate change