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wholeSEM Job Opportunity: Research Associate in Energy Systems Modelling

19 August 2016


wholeSEM's University College London team are recruiting for a Research Associate in Energy Systems Modelling.

We are seeking to appoint a Research Associate (RA) in Energy Systems Modelling to undertake dedicated projects in energy modelling as part of an interdisciplinary modelling research team.  The role will primarily work on the Whole Systems Energy Modelling Consortium (wholeSEM) and the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) which are respectively the UK’s academic hubs for energy modelling and for energy policy.

The ideal candidate for the post is a quantitative, analytical person with previous experience in building, critiquing and applying energy-economic models. Candidates with experience of the TIMES modelling platforms are especially encouraged to apply. However we are also very keen to speak to highly analytical economists, engineers, social scientists, and natural scientists who wish to develop and apply their quantitative and programming skills to energy modelling.

The appointment is initially for 24 months, but further funding to support the post may be available.

For informal discussions about the post, contact Professor Neil Strachan

Application deadline: 25th September 2016

Further Information, Job Description and How to Apply