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Energy Modelling Insights for Iterative Decision Making

4th and 5th July 2016
The Møller Centre, Cambridge

Abstract lines like electrical discharge

Our 3rd Annual Conference combines our strands of thinking that try to model the future energy pathways under uncertainty where the demands of policy makers and indeed the framing of the issues are in flux.

Main Themes:

1. Integrating society within energy systems modelling
Capturing societal preferences and iterative actions within energy modelling frameworks is a key challenge to understand the evolving energy transition.

2. Wider drivers, impacts and unintended consequences
Broadening the scope of energy modelling to include wider geographical drivers, to link to other technical, economic and physical systems, and to introduce new disciplinary viewpoints is a key challenge.

3. Strategic vs. incremental investment under policy uncertainty
Assessing the trade-offs between long-term, (likely) high upfront cost, (possibly) irreversible investments with short term priorities and constraints, is a key challenge in an energy transition with incomplete and inconsistent policy framing.