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Keynote Presentation

Laura Cozzi, Head of Demand Outlook Division, Directorate of Sustainability, International Energy Agency, 'World Energy Outlook: Air Pollution and Energy Use' (PDF)

Presentations Session 1

Day 1 Monday 13.30 - 15.00

Session 1a: Integrating society within energy systems modelling

Georg Holtz, Wuppertal Institute, 'A socio-technical perspective on energy modelling' (PDF)

Kalai Ramea, University of California, Davis, 'Integrating Vehicle Consumer Choice in TIMES and its Implications for Climate Policy Analysis' (PDF)

Kavin Narasimhan, University of Surrey, 'An agent-based model to understand the dynamics of domestic energy practices' (PDF)

Session 1b: Wider drivers, impacts and unintended consequences

David McCollum, IIASA, 'Quantifying uncertainties influencing the long-term impacts of oil prices on energy markets and carbon emissions' (PDF)

Sean Beevers, Kings College London, 'The impacts on air quality of policies to meet the UK Climate Change Act target' (PDF)

Zenaida Sobral-Mourao, University of Cambridge, 'Soft-linking the UKTM and Foreseer models: an iterative process to assembling energy system pathways that respect wider environmental limits' (PDF)

Session 1c: Strategic vs. incremental investment under policy uncertainty

Keigo Akimoto, RITE, 'Evaluation of 2030 GHG emissions based on the submitted NDCs and their consistency with temperature rise target emission pathways considering scientific and policy uncertainties' (PDF)

Chris Bataille, Simon Fraser University, 'Using backcasting from a low carbon future to inform operations, investment, infrastructure and R&D policy decision making today: The role for modellers' (PDF)

Peihao Li, UCL, 'Characterising and integrating demand response within a long-term energy systems analysis' (PDF)

Presentations Session 2

Day 2 Tuesday 09.00 - 11.00

Session 2a: Integrating society within energy systems modelling

Jonathan Kohler,
Fraunhofer ISI, 'Changing energy, changing lifestyles – social simulation of transitions in mobility with an ABM' (PDF)

Dimitrios Papadaskalopoulos, Imperial College London, 'Integrating social practice and economic rationality principles in household energy demand modelling' (PDF)

Nici Zimmerman, UCL, 'Participatory system dynamics modelling for integrated decision-making about housing, energy and wellbeing'

Zia Wadud, University of Leeds, 'Help or hindrance? The travel, energy and carbon impacts of highly automated vehicles' (PDF)

Session 2b: Wider drivers, impacts and unintended consequences

Kathrin Volkart
, PSI Switzerland, 'Implementation of multi-objective optimization in the MARKAL framework for simultaneously analysing the economic, societal and environmental performance of the global energy system' (PDF)

Leonidas Paroussos, NNTU, 'Fossil fuel subsidies phase out:The role of recycling' (PDF)

Pete Smith, University of Aberdeen, 'Synergies and trade-offs between energy systems and negative emission technologies' (PDF)

Sandy Skelton, University of Cambridge, 'The cost of greenhouse gas emissions abatement through greater material efficiency in the use of steel'

Session 2c: Strategic vs. incremental investment under policy uncertainty

Laurent Drouet
, FEEM, 'Mitigation policy costs and uncertainty' (PDF)

Stefan Pfenninger, ETH, 'High-resolution modelling of renewable energy and implications for planning under uncertainty' (PDF)

Chris Dent, University of Durham, 'Uncertainty quantification in large scale energy systems models: GB exemplars' (PDF)

Sheila Samsatli, University of Bath,'Modelling integrated multivector energy systems capturing spatial dependencies and hourly operation over a long-term planning horizon' (PDF)

Presentations Session 3

Tuesday 11.30 - 13.00

Session 3a: Integrating society within energy systems modelling

Evelina Trutnevyte, ETH, 'New approach to interactive use of energy system models for policy support' (PDF)

Catherine Bale, University of Leeds, 'Decision theatres, heat networks and the modelling process: engaging local decision-makers' (PDF)

Thomas Roberts & Sandy Skelton, University of Surrey, ‘Why on Earth did I buy that!? A study of regretted consumption practices’ (PDF)

Session 3b: Wider drivers, impacts and unintended consequences

David Brayshaw
, University of Reading, 'Climate science in Whole Energy System applications - opportunities and challenges' (PDF)

Paul Brockway, University of Leeds, 'More tools in the policy box: Can exergy analysis give new insights on energy use and rebound?' (PDF)

Marianne Zeyringer & James Price, UCL, 'Modelling long- term energy pathways with high shares of variable renewable energy sources' (PDF)

Session 3c: Strategic vs. incremental investment under policy uncertainty

Jan Imhof, Aurora Consulting, 'Long-term energy investment, uncertainty, and the role of policy commitment' (PDF)

Michael Kenefick, E4Tech, Scottish TIMES, 'A national energy system perspective' (PDF)

Marko Aunedi, Imperial College London, 'Role and value of flexibility in supporting cost-effective transition to an integrated low-carbon energy system' (PDF)