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PhD Student "Elevator Pitches"

18 UK and international PhD students were invited to participate in a poster competition, with their displayed research being a focal point of the conference breaks.  Based on these presentations, an innovative and highly popular feature of the conference was a 2-minute "elevator pitch" in plenary sessions to deliver insights of their work in an extremely high pressure environment.

We congratulate all the PhD participants for their efforts.  The chair of the wholeSEM advisory board - Jo Coleman, Strategy Director at the ETI - awarded prizes for the top 3 PhD Posters.  All 16 PhD Posters are available for download below:

2017 PhD Poster Competition Participants 

Florian Knobloch, Radboud University Nijmegen *Winner 1st Place                                                                            A behaviourally realistic model of technological change in the EU’s residential heating sector

João Gorenstein Dedecca, Delft University of Technology *Winner 2nd Place
OGEM: the Offshore Grid Exploratory Model

Neha Patankar, NC State University *Winner 3rd Place
Energy Planning Under Deep Uncertainty In Conflict Prone South Sudan

Pablo E. Carvajal, UCL Energy Institute 
Assessing uncertainty of climate change impacts on long-term hydropower generation using the CMIP5 ensemble - The case of Ecuador

Selma Causevic, Delft University of Technology
Reliable power supply through dynamic distribution of local energy resources during outages

Audrey Dobbins, University of Stuttgart

The significance of energy poverty on the assessment of household energy demand and emissions in Germany

Alice Gunn, University of Reading
Stakeholder perceptions of energy system models and their role in policymaking 

Yingjian Guo, Imperial College London
Global Natural Gas Game facing Low-carbon Transition, An Analysis with Agent-based Modelling

Emma Hanley, University College Cork
Short-Term Vs Long-Term Planning – Impact of Emissions Pathways on Energy Resource use

Verena Heinisch, Chalmers University of Technology
Modelling interactions between residential electricity prosumers impact from community electricity trading schemes on affordability of residential PV battery system, self-sufficiency and electricity transactions 

Francisca Jalil Vega, Imperial College London
Spatially-resolved systems modelling for cost-effective heat decarbonisation: A case study

Erin Johnson, Imperial College London
Greening Britain’s Gas: Biomethane & hydrogen for heating buildings.

Martin Klein, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics
How to model (and regulate) the future uptake of residential PV battery systems?

Vicky Papaioannou, University of Reading

Time-varying grid carbon intensity in the UK for the years 2009-2016

Dmytro Romanchenko, Chalmers University of Technology

Modelling thermal energy storage in district heating: a comparison of centralised storage and thermal inertia of buildings

Erik Sandberg, Luleå University of Technology
Improving process integration possibilities in ESOMs – A step towards site based modelling

Kristoffer Steen Andersen, Technical University of Denmark
Economic growth or CO2 reduction? Reconciling the impact of energy savings in a hybrid modelling setup

Jacopo Tattini, Technical University of Denmark
Incorporating modal choice behaviour in bottom-up energy system models 

Find out more about the wholeSEM 4th Annual Conference

Review the posters from 2016